Sunday, October 4, 2009

I miss my girls

I moved to Brazil two years ago and since have felt even more distant from my girlfriends. My core group of girls are my Vandy roomates. To be frank the distance started to grow between all of us the day we graduated and went our separate ways. We moved to cities all over the US and some of us went abroad. It's been 10 years, reunion is this October, and I have to give credit to the few that have put forth a lot of effort to keep in touch. Of course in a group of 12 girls, you have a few, maybe 3 or 4 that you have more affinity with. It's normal. These you manage to maintain more contact. The others end up drifting and you still care about them and end up hearing through so and so who saw so and so and said so and so. Let's face it, nowadays, it's nearly impossible to keep in touch with long-distance friends, especially 12 of them. 3 is difficult enough. We manage to arrange a trip where we can all meet once per year. But as the years pass by, fewer and fewer show up. The importance of these meetings starts to diminish. Now with babies in the picture, the priorities are different. I'm lucky if I get 2 minutes on IM. Maybe as we get older we are supposed to give less importance to friendship. Maybe I only feel this way because I have no kids yet. Or maybe long-distance friendships are just too difficult to maintain. So what does that mean for me? I moved to Brazil and have no real friends here... yet. And I miss my Vandy girls. I miss the youthful connection we shared and can still draw upon when we are together.
And let's face it, real girlfriends are very hard to find. I only wish I could snap my fingers and start living Sex & The City.
I'm hoping in some way, my blog will bring the girls together. Maybe they'll find 5 minutes in their day to keep up with my thoughts and make a comment or two. Because at the end of the day, I know they are same person, but I just want to know how and what they are doing. Feel a connection in some way, even though we are so far away.

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